Canadian teams are earning bids!
September 28, 2023 by Theo Wan and Danie Proby in Podcast
Note: After this episode was recorded, St. FX has withdrawn from taking a CUC Division 1 bid and a second open bid has been given to CEUUC (Easterns).
Bids, Bids, Bids! Four Canadian teams have booked their tickets to San Diego! Find out who they are and how they got there in the club regionals recap. Bids also got handed out at Steeltown and CQUUC so get caught up on who is going to CUUC and who just missed out on a bid. Danie and Theo got you covered for all four college regional tournaments happening on the weekend as they preview each and every one!
Huckin’ Eh: Club Regionals and College Recap, College Regionals Previews
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In the Huckin’ Eh subscribers-only bonus segment, Theo goes behind the scenes on how field pass works and the differences of doing it in person or remotely.
Bonus Content for Huckin’ Eh: Club Regionals and College Recap, College Regionals Previews is only available to Ultiworld Subscribers
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