Past Articles from Melissa Witmer


Melissa Witmer is the founder of the Ultimate Athlete Project. She has been a part of the ultimate community since 1996, and is an author, content creator, and coach. Something of a citizen of the world, Melissa lives and works abroad and has instructed and connected ultimate players and coaches from all over the world.

  1. Witmer’s Wisdom: Unconventional Big Stupid Goals

    This year I’ve played and coached ultimate in eight different countries in Latin America.

  2. Witmer’s Wisdom: Precision Coaching

    Finding the root cause of your errors and fixing them for good.

  3. Witmer’s Wisdom: Empower Athletes with Consent-Based Coaching

    With consent-based coaching, you can empower athletes, teammates, and yourself.

  4. Witmer’s Wisdom: How to Avoid Getting ‘Stuck’ in your Ultimate Career

    Three ways players get stuck in their ultimate careers - and how to avoid them

  5. Witmer’s Wisdom: A Week of Eternal Spring and Ultimate, in the Middle of February

    You could join an ultimate adventure in Colombia.

  6. Witmer’s Wisdom: Improve Your Athletic Performance Next Season

    Change your approach to change your results.

  7. Witmer’s Wisdom: Setting the Table for Peak Performance

    3 tips to help get your brain and body primed to perform.

  8. Witmer’s Wisdom: Maintaining Strength During the Season

    Two strength training sessions for in-season training

  9. Witmer’s Wisdom: How Elite Players Think About Skills Acquisition

    3 ways the best players are enhancing their development of new skills.

  10. Witmer’s Wisdom: Everything You Need to Know to Try Two-a-Days for Ultimate

    If pros are using two-a-day training, should you?

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