Temper vs. Rhino Slam! | Men’s Pool Play is only available to Ultiworld Subscribers

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Temper vs. Rhino Slam! | Men’s Pool Play

2021 Club Championships
October 24, 2021
Type Event
Availability On-Demand
Access Paid
Included in Standard Subscription, 2021 Club Team Pack
Published October 24, 2021
Duration 35 minutes
Event 2021 Club Championships

Pittsburgh Temper and Portland Rhino Slam! have occupied similar places in the firmament of the men’s division over the past few years, each established as a consistent Nationals attendee and knocking on the door of the elite tier. Despite the similarities, the pair haven’t faced each other in more than two years when Temper bested their West Coast counterparts in a tight game at the 2019 Elite-Select Challenge. Can Pittsburgh repeat that result or will Portland prove to be the better side in 2021?