Past Articles in 2022 Club Rosters

  1. Denver Johnny Bravo 2022 Roster

    Bravo, per usual, benefits from the strength of the local college clubs, while taking on some players from last year’s surprise Nationals qualifier, Boulder Lotus.

  2. Raleigh Ring of Fire 2022 Roster

    The reigning champions return to defend their crown as a close to 100% unit.

  3. Seattle Sockeye 2022 Roster

    The storied Seattle club has a pretty consistent roster, is reaping the benefits of their developmental efforts, and should remain one of the division’s most…

  4. San Francisco Revolver 2022 Roster

    Revolver’s exciting young 2021 club is mostly back, although the pieces have moved around a little bit.

  5. Florida Tabby Rosa 2022 Roster

    Florida Tabby Rosa was one of the most surprising Nationals qualifiers and turned it into a WUCC berth. What’s next for the burgeoning Florida program?

  6. Dallas Public Enemy 2022 Roster

    Surprised Public Enemy beat AMP at the US Open? They’ve made some moderate personnel changes, swapping Caseys for Welkeners, among others.

  7. Fort Collins Shame 2022 Roster

    There’s quite a lot of change going on for Shame.

  8. Minneapolis Sub Zero 2022 Roster

    Despite only a few additions, there are some big changes to the Sub Zero roster, as they subtract from their total sets of legs.

  9. Pittsburgh Temper 2022 Roster

    Temper was one of the top consolation performers of the 2021 men’s National Championships, but have to fight through the quality challengers in the Mid-Atlantic…

  10. Chicago Nemesis 2022 Roster

    Nemesis has become one of the most consistent teams in the division, and have established themselves as a top 10 quality team.

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