Past Articles in Boston Sprocket

Find more information on the Lexington Sprocket team page.

  1. Boston Sprocket 2021 Roster

    In the ever-changing Boston mixed scene, Sprocket is the latest squad to try to take their place among the elite.

  2. Club Season Primer 2021: Mixed Division

    Doing our best to lay out the known knowns in a season with plenty of unknown unknowns.

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  • [Showcase] Fury vs. Scandal (Women’s Final)
    Video for standard subscribers
  • [Showcase] Hybrid vs. Sprocket (Mixed Final)
    Video for standard subscribers
  • [Showcase] Rhino Slam! vs. PoNY (Men’s Final)
    Video for standard subscribers
  • [Showcase] Scandal vs. Brute Squad (Women’s Semifinal)
    Video for standard subscribers