Past Articles in Donovan 2024

  1. Bates’ Jamie Bell for Donovan 2024

    Bates is nominating Jamie Bell for the 2024 Donovan Award. Here’s their video.

  2. St. Olaf’s Will Brandt for Donovan 2024

    St. Olaf is nominating Will Brandt for the 2024 Donovan Award. Here’s their video.

  3. Richmond’s Matthew Timoney for Donovan 2024

    Richmond is nominating Matthew Timoney for the 2024 Donovan Award. Here’s their video.

  4. Wellesley’s Bella Steedly for Donovan 2024

    Wellesley is nominating Bella Steedly for the 2024 Donovan Award. Here’s their video.

  5. Middlebury B’s Jasper Pearcy for Donovan 2024

    Middlebury B is nominating Jasper Pearcy for the 2024 Donovan Award. Here’s their video.

  6. Ithaca’s Grace Wang for Donovan 2024

    Ithaca is nominating Grace Wang for the 2024 Donovan Award. Here’s their video.

  7. CNU’s Ryan McDonnell for Donovan 2024

    Christopher Newport University is nominating Ryan McDonnell for the 2024 Donovan Award. Here’s their video.

  8. Williams’ Coco Rhum for Donovan 2024

    Williams is nominating Coco Rhum for the 2024 Donovan Award. Here’s their video.

  9. Rochester’s Maggie MacAdam for Donovan 2024

    Rochester is nominating Maggie MacAdam for the 2024 Donovan Award. Here’s their video.

  10. Middlebury’s Keziah Wilde for Donovan 2024

    Middlebury is nominating Keziah Wilde for the 2024 Donovan Award. Here’s their video.

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