Past Articles in light dark and cleats

  1. Light, Dark, and Cleats: 11/6

    The United Airlines magazine on professional ultimate [includes quotes from UW Editor Charlie Eisenhood].

  2. Light, Dark, and Cleats: 9/3

    Essay from Beau Kittredge. Just read it.

  3. Light, Dark, and Cleats: 9/27

    Jim Parinella revives his blog to talk stats.

  4. Light, Dark, and Cleats: 8/12

    Interesting thoughts on “powerless” observers in International play.

  5. Light, Dark, and Cleats: 8/2

    MLU Championship recap.

  6. Light, Dark, and Cleats: 7/31

    The Huddle…2.0.

  7. Light, Dark, and Cleats: 7/16

    With 18 hours left, we need to raise less than $4,000 to get all of the Ultimate at the World Games streamed live online.

  8. Light, Dark, and Cleats: 7/12

    Free livestreaming from the Ontario Ultimate Championships this weekend.

  9. Light, Dark, and Cleats: 6/27

    NexGen v. Revolver: a film study.

  10. Light, Dark, and Cleats: 6/24

    NPR on Major League Ultimate.

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