July 9, 2013 by Charlie Eisenhood in Livewire, News with 9 comments
This weekend, the Major League Ultimate Championship game will take place in Philadelphia. Unfortunately for the Dogfish, the final practice for the Team USA World Games team will be happening across the country in Boulder. That means that the Dogfish will be missing three of their biggest stars.
Mac Taylor, Beau Kittredge, and Ashlin Joye will be in Boulder for the weekend, preparing for their trip to Cali at the end of the month.
The three players all rank in the top 4 on the Dogfish in assists and scores combined. Kittredge, despite missing a number of games during the regular season, has 28 goals and 11 assists this year. He is fourth in the league in goals scored.
Kittredge also had a huge impact for San Francisco Revolver this weekend in their win over Boston Ironside at the US Open. The game was somewhat of a preview of the MLU finals; both Revolver and Ironside have a big contingent on their respective MLU teams.
The Dogfish are now, without question, the underdogs in the finals, as they travel east to Philadelphia for the Championship.