Comment Of The Day: We Don’t Need Pro Ultimate, We Have NexGen

On Friday, we published an op-ed about Major League Ultimate, and what it might bring to the table that the American Ultimate Disc League hasn’t. But, in the comments, Evan suggested that keeping the discussion between MLU and the AUDL is shortsighted.

Here’s what he suggested:

[quote]I feel like these conversations need to include a recognition of what NexGen Network’s been doing with their coverage of the club and college tours. Frankly, given equal quality of coverage I’d rather watch a club game any day of the week. There probably need to be some tweaks to the officiating rules (something that NGN and NexGen have been spearheading, too) to avoid unexplained stoppages (one thing would be to have simple hand signals from the observers so the announcers know what was called and can say something more that “call on the field”).[/quote]

[quote]Point being that I’m really looking forward to watching the Club Nationals; I have reason to believe there will be good games, good announcing, decent camera angles, and no legal double-teams. I think this model has as much chance at success as a “pro” league does.

The major difference is that it’s tournament-based rather than the home game/away game structure of most pro leagues; this is a negative, but I think is balanced by the greatly reduced need for a centralized structure and financing.[/quote]

  1. Charlie Eisenhood
    Charlie Eisenhood

    Charlie Eisenhood is the editor-in-chief of Ultiworld. You can reach him by email ([email protected]) or on Twitter (@ceisenhood).


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