June 3, 2015 by Charlie Eisenhood in Livewire, Video with 11 comments
Here is the very different looking Boston Ironside roster in 2015. 12 players out, 10 players in.
Bold denotes captains; italics denotes rookies
Alex Cooper
Alex Kapinos
Alex Simmons
Ben Katz [returning to Ironside]
Christian Foster
Christoph Koble
Danny Clark
Eli Motycka
Jack Hatchett
Jake Smart
Jake Taylor
Jim Foster
John Stubbs
Jordan Queckboerner
Josh Markette
Mark Vandenberg
Miles Montgomery-Butler
Misha Herscu
Robin Meyers [returning to Ironside]
Tannor Johnson
Teddy Browar-Jarus
Thomas Sayre-McCord
Tom Annen
Tyler Chan
Will Neff
Josh McCarthy
Matthew Rebholz
Jacob Goldstein
George Stubbs
Russell Wallack
Brandon Malacek
Brian Garcia
Jamie Quella
Jeff Babbitt
Jeremy Nixon
Jon Hirschberger
Mark Sherwood
Matt Rebholz
Misha Sidorsky
Piers MacNaughton
Rusty Ingold-Smith