Top Club Captain’s Reaction To The NexGen Proposal

The most important aspect to success for the NexGen league is that the top teams all agree — and, for the league to work, it will probably require at least 15 of the 18 teams to agree — to move away from USA Ultimate and together start their own organization. That is contingent upon the teams’ leadership seeing the move as a smart one.

So the reaction of the 18 teams’ captains is incredibly important. Here’s one of those captain’s thoughts; he requested anonymity.

I’m not quite sure what to make of it, and am totally surprised to see yet another proposal come about — I can’t help thinking that the more ideas that are out there, the less likely any of them are to work (with USAU probably emerging the winner when the dust settles).

In a vacuum, [NexGen founder Kevin Minderhout’s] idea sounds pretty good.  Maybe even the most appealing of all available options. And he clearly put in a great deal of work in thinking about some of the setup issues.  Has a lawyer on board, too, from the looks of it. NexGen’s track record is also good enough to give him some cred. But hard to say whether this will be enough to sway everyone to leave the USAU, who is clearly the most reliable entity of the (now) 4 that are out there. He’d really have to be convincing to get so many teams on board, and I don’t see this working without all or nearly all teams committing to his plan.

I’m looking forward to hearing him out, talking to my teammates and guys on other teams, and seeing what develops.

  1. Charlie Eisenhood
    Charlie Eisenhood

    Charlie Eisenhood is the editor-in-chief of Ultiworld. You can reach him by email ([email protected]) or on Twitter (@ceisenhood).


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