Pick your pool of death!
September 11, 2019 by Ravi Vasudevan in News with 0 comments
The EUCF Pools were released yesterday exclusively on EuroZone. Here are the pools that were drawn from the initial pots.
Pool W | Pool X |
Gravity | CUSB Shout |
Cosmo | 3SB |
Mainzelmädchen | Cosmic Girls |
Brilliance | Gentle Ladies |
Yaka | Iceni |
Yellow FUJever | Heidelbärchen |
The top two teams from each pool move directly to semifinals.
Pool M | Pool N |
PuTi | GRUT |
Disc'over Lisboa | SMOG 1 |
Left Overs | Die 7 Todsünden |
Deep Space | Flow |
SMOG 2 | Salaspils |
Hässliche Erdferkel | Ah Ouh PUC |
The top two teams from each pool move directly to semifinals.
Pool A | Pool B | Pool C | Pool D | Pool E | Pool F |
CUSB La Fotta | Clapham | Bad Skid | MUC | RealFive | Chevron Action Flash |
Ranelagh | Freespeed | Flying Angels Bern | FUJ | Heidees | Iznogood |
7 Schwaben | CUSB Red Bulls | FWD>> | Crazy Dogs | Alba | thebigEZ |
KFK | Mojra | Flying Steps | Rampage | Cotarica | Mooncatchers |
After pool play, a bracket of 16 teams is formed. The top two from each pool make it (12 teams). The four best third place teams also join the bracket to round out the 16 teams. The third place teams are ranked first by how many wins they have in the pool and then ties are broken by initial seeding. Seeding is as follows:
- Clapham
- CUSB La Fotta
- Bad Skid
- Chevron Action Flash
- RealFive
- Iznogood
- Heidees
- Freespeed
- Ranelagh
- Flying Angels Bern
- CUSB Red Bulls
- 7 Schwaben
- FWD>>
- thebigEZ
- Crazy Dogs
- Alba
- Rampage
- Mooncatchers
- Mojra
- Cotarica
- Flying Steps