August 21, 2020 by Charlie Eisenhood in Opinion with 0 comments
The Mailbag is now for subscribers only. That’s going to do a few things: it will keep me committed to writing it every week. It will reward subscribers with a weekly column they can count on. And it will allow us to offer a free one-month Mini subscription for the best email or comment we get and publish in the Mailbag. If you’re already a subscriber, you get a free extra month (or a discount). If you’re not, you can come in and check out the benefits.
You can email me anytime at [email protected] with questions, comments, ideas — whatever you’ve got.
Q: After listening to the interview with Mauricio Moore where he talks about individual goals for a season or tournament beyond just “win a title,” and the prompt in the top 25 players ranking that it should be “for the singular goal of winning a theoretical Club Championship in October,” it got me wondering about player rankings for alternate goals.
What if the team goal were having the most fun on the sideline? Which one player would you pick to help achieve that goal?
Or getting the best Spirit score?
Or achieving the best development of younger players on your team?
Or D-line that generates the most turns over the season?
Or…[fill in alternate goals here]?
Just musing about alternate goals and which players might rank higher for things other than just winning (which the majority of players don’t experience or set as a realistic goal).
Mailbag: Alternate Player Rankings, Ultimate Equipment, Organization Cooperation is only available to Ultiworld Subscribers
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