We Are Changing Our Comment System

Disqus out, forums in.

Ultiworld-Forums-Logo-Square-180x180After three and a half years of using Disqus as our comment engine, we are moving away from the service and integrating our forums as our comment system.

This is a bittersweet decision, as Disqus has served us well. However, the company recently required publishers to begin showing ads, which have been of the trashy, awful, and content farm variety.

Here’s a small selection of some of the ads you may have seen:

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These aren’t even the worst of them!

We are not happy about showing these terrible ads, so we are making a change that we have considered for some time: moving our article discussion to the Ultiworld Forums.

We are very excited about the power of the forums, which were used to great effect for All-Region discussion and have numerous benefits we laid out when we announced the forums in late March.

Comment quality is always on our mind, and we saw an increase in comment quality when we made changes that required registration to comment. With our forums platform, we expect better discussion than ever.

Some things to know:

  • All comments from the forums will appear below the article. In the future, we may show only a certain number of top comments.
  • You will no longer be able to comment directly beneath the article; you will have to head to the forums, sign in (or register an account), and comment there.
  • Old articles will not lose their comments; Disqus will remain as will all of the comments.
  • Our forum software uses a ‘flat’ commenting system, not the ‘nesting’ one used in Disqus (and, notably, on Reddit). This may seem at first to be cumbersome because it’s unfamiliar, but there are many advantages. Here’s a good conversation about it, if you care.

We are well aware that moving the comments off-site may reduce comments temporarily. But, over time, the positives of the forums and the excellent discussion they foster should become more clear. There are also quick and easy links to the discussion page, as you will see below.

Please take a moment to read about the forums.


All it takes to join the Ultiworld Forums is an Ultiworld.com account.

If you do not have an existing account on ultiworld.com, first go to the Ultiworld account registration page and create an account.

Once you’ve created an account on ultiworld.com, use that username and password when you press “Log In” on forums.ultiworld.com. This will automatically create a connected profile for you on the Ultiworld Forums.

You will always use your Ultiworld username to log in, but you are free to change your profile information on Ultiworld Forums to something different from your main account. This includes your forum username, forum email, and forum avatar.

Changing your profile information on forums.ultiworld.com will not affect your account information on ultiworld.com, nor will the reverse.

  1. Charlie Eisenhood
    Charlie Eisenhood

    Charlie Eisenhood is the editor-in-chief of Ultiworld. You can reach him by email ([email protected]) or on Twitter (@ceisenhood).

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