Ultimate Trivia with Liam Grant

Have you found yourself knee deep in quarantine woes and missing your ultimate pals? You’ve probably binge watched some classic ultimate games and learned the hard way that raising sourdough is as tough as raising children.

Well, we have an ultimate trivia bonanza that will keep you entertained for the best of, let’s say, 20 minutes. If you’re a frisbee nerd, you’re going to love this cheat-proof quiz that will test your knowledge. It can be taken any time and you receive your results instantly. There’s a delightful mix of audio and visual rounds that will tickle your ultimate archive and bring back those frisbee feels. Take the quiz with your teammates now and find out who’s spends far too much time reading Ultiworld articles and watching Callahan videos.

Click here to take the quiz now!

Follow the instructions carefully to ensure that you input your answers correctly. Overall results and answers will be revealed on the next episode of the EuroZone Podcast. There will also be a mystery prize for the best result and, more importantly, bragging rights. Best of luck and stay safe everybody!

  1. Liam Grant
    Liam Grant

    Liam hails from the rugged west coast of Ireland. He found himself catapulted into the Irish ultimate community during his time in the National University of Ireland, Galway. He may lack in talent on the field, but he makes up for it with shenanigans and tomfoolery off the pitch. Liam is truly in his element on the beach; he eats sand for breakfast. Liam captained the Irish Mixed National team in 2016 and also competed for the Irish National Mixed Beach team in 2013, taking home a silver medal and a bundle of precious memories. He can be found at most major European tournaments flying the Irish flag at the bar.


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