Better Box Score Metrics: Multi-Game Calculations of EDGE [Pt. 4]

Expanding the EDGE metric to assess tournaments and seasons.

Kelli Iwamoto of United States U24 Women against Canada U24 Women during the WFDF 2019 World Under-24 Ultimate Championships. Photo: Paul Rutherford --
Kelli Iwamoto of the U24 Women’s National Team playing against Canada in 2019. Photo: Paul Rutherford —

This is part 4 in a series on a new box score statistic — EDGE — that seeks to more fully determine a player’s impact on a game.

In Parts 1, 2, and 3 of this series, I have introduced EDGE, a new metric to integrate a player’s overall contributions to winning a game. EDGE reflects two core concepts: yardage and turnovers are key, and their relative value fluctuates with turnover frequency. We have seen how EDGE coefficients change from game to game based on those parameters.

Here in part 4, I will focus on a new question: can we simplify EDGE if we have a season’s worth of data and don’t want to calculate game-specific coefficients?

Let’s consider the U24 Women’s National Team data again, only this time our interest is in the five-game totals of EDGE. How well will calculating EDGE based on five-games averages track the more precise game-by-game method? To give it away at the outset, the answer is “quite well,” at least for this example.

While there is a tradeoff between precision and simplicity, this opens up the possibility of establishing an easy-to-calculate EDGE baseline for a competitive division.

Better Box Score Metrics: Multi-Game Calculations of EDGE [Pt. 4] is only available to Ultiworld Subscribers

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  1. Paul Würtztack
    Paul Würtztack

    Paul Würtztack is an Ultiworld analyst.

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