Mega Mailbag: College Nationals

Never tell me the odds.

North Carolina's Alex Davis. Photo: William 'Brody' Brotman --
North Carolina’s Alex Davis. Photo: William ‘Brody’ Brotman —

The Mailbag is now for subscribers only. That’s going to do a few things: it will keep me committed to writing it every week. It will reward subscribers with a weekly column they can count on. And it will allow us to offer a free one-month Mini subscription for the best email or comment we get and publish in the Mailbag. If you’re already a subscriber, you get a free extra month (or a discount). If you’re not, you can come in and check out the benefits.

You can email me anytime at [email protected] with questions, comments, ideas — whatever you’ve got.

I know this mailbag is a little late. Sorry. The combination of holidays, a real need to decompress after a grueling six months of jam packed calendar, and then a vacation conspired to make my mailbag writing very slow. But I’m making up for it with a mega edition! Let’s jump in.

Q: Any trends on observer card/foul givings at college nationals? I know Oklahoma Christian had a PMF or TMF given for taunting an opponent in bracket play, but anecdotally it seemed like some physical, potentially dangerous plays didn’t get cards. Was this similar or different to club nationals in October?

– Sam E.

Q: With the Abby Hecko injury fresh on my mind, should the blue card system be thrown out? Most times that a blue card is given to a player who committed an egregious foul, it feels like a yellow card could have been used without any major issue since very few players get two yellow cards to be ejected. The ambiguity of the blue card being used for team issues (like swearing or rushing the field) and individual issues (like fouling) seems to be the largest grey zone in the ultimate rule set where very few consequences are experienced (i.e. it takes three blue cards for a penalty to happen and even then the yardage isn’t super significant). Does the blue card system still have merit?

– Couchbaby

A: Let’s go to the rulebook! Here’s what the observer manual says about technical fouls, blue cards, and yellow cards.

Mega Mailbag: College Nationals is only available to Ultiworld Subscribers

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  1. Charlie Eisenhood
    Charlie Eisenhood

    Charlie Eisenhood is the editor-in-chief of Ultiworld. You can reach him by email ([email protected]) or on Twitter (@ceisenhood).

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