Better Box Score Metrics: Raunig Takes to the Skies [AUDL Week 1, 2023]

Atlanta, Seattle, and Oakland each had standout performers in week 1.

Atlanta Hustle’s Brett Hulsmeyer. Photo: Atlanta Hustle

BBSM is back for another AUDL campaign, offering a weekly review of standout performances using metrics not included on the AUDL’s stats page (but thoroughly reliant on and grateful for the AUDL’s extensive statistical compilations).1

For the new season, let’s mix things up and start with defense for a change. This might be the last week any team tries throwing in Brett Hulsmeyer’s direction, as he recorded a nice season’s worth of blocks with six in just one game, Atlanta’s victory over Indy. Only twice last year did a player record six blocks in a game, once each by Ben Green and Noah Coolman. On the value of all those blocks, Hulsmeyer ends up fourth on the EDGE leaderboard this week.

But, also, good luck throwing elsewhere against the Hustle: Dean Ramsey and Mike Kobyra each also had a pair of blocks. What’s weird about all those blocks against Indy is that last year, Indy nearly led the league in not having their passes blocked, just behind the Hustle it so happens. Indy also led the league by a wide margin in D-line conversion rates last year. So what happens against Atlanta? They record the worst DLC of the week, 25 percent.

But that was just one game. One thing we have two-game evidence for is that Seattle gives up a lot of yards, at least on the road. Both Salt Lake and Oakland racked up more than 2000 yards of offense against Seattle, and nine of the 10 largest individual throwing totals, and all seven of the largest EO100 totals, came from those two games.

But Seattle can also dish it out, and young Zeppelin Raunig has turned the spotlight squarely on him. After an excellent game with 415 yards, six scores, and two turns against Salt Lake, for a top 30 EDGE score of 2.81, he effectively doubled that output against Oakland in posting the week’s highest EDGE: 379 receiving yards, 203 throwing yards, seven scores, two hockey-assists, a block, and 0 turns. Last year, a few Seattle players put up some impressive numbers early in the season but just weren’t able to play in a number of the Cascades games; let’s hope we get to see plenty of Raunig.

For just offensive production, Oakland newcomer Mac Hecht led the weekend in EDGE-O, largely on the strength of his 701 total yards and nine assists.

Here are the leaders in Week 1 EDGE.

Zeppelin Raunig - SEA vs OAK379203522105.160.525.68
Chris Lung - OAK vs SEA172360624214.491.045.54
Mac Hecht - OAK vs SEA124577092025.2805.28
Brett Hulsmeyer - ATL vs IND170105111611.593.645.23
Sean Connole - SLC vs SEA260403242014.9904.99
Keenan Laurence - OAK vs SEA358182331114.170.524.7
Walker Frankenberg - OAK vs SEA293227233004.3804.38
Noah Celuch - PIT vs MAD132329043103.80.564.36
Christian Boxley - DC vs CAR30149326203.251.044.29
Luke Yorgason - SLC vs SEA47576125014.1704.17
Khalif El-Salaam - SEA vs OAK138179052203.031.044.08
Max Sheppard - PIT vs MAD298184550133.390.563.94
Jordan Kerr - SLC vs SEA237120251113.140.533.67
Evan Swiatek - ATX vs HTX270142233113.190.473.66

Defensively, the top seven on the EDGE-B leaderboard are not all Hustle players.

Brett Hulsmeyer - ATL vs IND63.64
William Wettengel - IND vs ATL31.82
Pete Zaccardi - PIT vs MAD31.67
Matt Tucker - CAR vs DC31.56
Dean Ramsey - ATL vs IND21.21
Mike Kobyra - ATL vs IND21.21
Andrew Meshnick - MAD vs PIT21.11

Week 1 D-Line Recognition Award

The weekly D-Line Recognition Award is for the most net production for a majority D-line player, but this week it hinges on a technicality. It’s pretty clearly Hulsmeyer, even if technically he only played as many D-line points as O-line points (11), not more. If we wanted to strictly limit it to a majority D-line player, then the honor goes to Seattle’s Khalif El-Salaam for his game against Oakland. Although there too, Leaf played 13 offensive points, which was more than anybody on the Empire’s O-line.

The E100 stats will soon sort out production on a rate basis other than per game, but we will wait to crank those up until after a sizable number of players have more than 30 possessions.

Full Week 1 Stats

Zeppelin Raunig - SEASEAOAK5823792035221000052330.525.160.525.68
Chris Lung - OAKOAKSEA5321723606242200116.52330.524.491.045.54
Mac Hecht - OAKOAKSEA701124577092011024.52510.525.2805.28
Brett Hulsmeyer - ATLATLIND27517010511161001411110.611.593.645.23
Sean Connole - SLCSLCSEA663260403242010013.51920.534.9904.99
Keenan Laurence - OAKOAKSEA540358182331110013.52440.524.170.524.7
Walker Frankenberg - OAKOAKSEA5202932272330000042320.524.3804.38
Noah Celuch - PITPITMAD4611323290431000041720.563.80.564.36
Christian Boxley - DCDCCAR35030149326200006.51730.523.251.044.29
Luke Yorgason - SLCSLCSEA62347576125010013.52020.534.1704.17
Khalif El-Salaam - SEASEAOAK317138179052200004.513200.523.031.044.08
Max Sheppard - PITPITMAD4822981845501102341940.563.390.563.94
Jordan Kerr - SLCSLCSEA3572371202511100141960.533.140.533.67
Evan Swiatek - ATXATXHTX4122701422331001141870.473.190.473.66
Khalif El-Salaam - SEASEASLC35315919413321001416100.532.561.053.61
Jace Duennebeil - SLCSLCSEA43534491214000003.51610.533.4403.44
Henry Goldenberg - MADMADPIT5042342702411400132.51530.562.790.563.35
Matt Smith - ATLATLIND322274485120000041320.613.2503.25
Austin Taylor - ATLATLIND358992591320000031340.613.1203.12
Trevor Lynch - CARCARDC3291212080211000021450.522.560.523.08
Tyler Monroe - DCDCCAR305165140234000004.51530.522.9502.95
Evan Magsig - OAKOAKSEA484237247223010122.51610.522.9102.91
Grant Lindsley - SLCSLCSEA344229115330010012.52020.532.8702.87
Kai DeLorenzo - MADMADPIT3192191001321100131280.562.30.562.86
Jake Radack - ATXATXHTX457105352133020022.51830.472.8302.83
Mark Evans - ATXATXHTX3992351644221210332030.472.350.472.82
Zeppelin Raunig - SEASEASLC41534174421010122.51820.532.8102.81
Alex Davis - CARCARDC318225932112002221450.521.631.042.67
Clint McSherry - PITPITMAD402583441240100131730.562.6702.67
Sol Yanuck - CARCARDC276108168223000003.51450.522.5702.57
Jack Williams - NYNYPHI248116132230000002.51040.362.5702.57
Cameron Brock - INDINDATL30928722600010012.52510.612.5602.56
Duncan Fitzgerald - ATXATXHTX441803611231300322030.472.070.472.54
Victor Luo - MADMADPIT549145404213030031.51630.562.5302.53
Dean Ramsey - ATLATLIND11310211210200002.5690.611.311.212.52
William Wettengel - INDINDATL1044460000300001.5390.610.691.822.51
Tony Goss - SEASEASLC243931501132100137140.531.461.052.51
Rick Gross - INDINDATL29374219033000003970.612.502.5
Thomas Edmonds - DCDCCAR287148139330010012.51330.522.502.5
Ryan Osgar - NYNYPHI26322538512010013.51020.362.502.5
Christian Olsen - ATLATLIND28855233126110014.51240.611.860.612.47
Elijah Jaime - SLCSLCSEA229213165010000031860.532.4502.45
Garrett Martin - SEASEASLC518230288245031043.52220.532.4402.44
Marc Munoz - SEASEASLC594238356212040040.52130.532.3902.39
Elijah Long - CARCARDC4801263540410300311440.522.3602.36
Ted Schewe - MADMADPIT4331303031210200211530.562.3202.32
Everett Saunders - SLCSLCSEA1548074220210012.51140.531.241.052.29
Garrett Martin - SEASEAOAK538220318163150162.52160.521.740.522.26
Max Thorne - ATLATLIND2511361152110000021220.612.2202.22
Kenny Lane III - SEASEAOAK35167284414020023.52270.522.2102.21
Travis Carpenter - INDINDATL24577168120000001.51910.612.1802.18
CJ Colicchio - PHIPHINY32424480111010011810.362.1602.16
Bobby Ley - ATLATLIND27455219051010012.51420.612.1402.14
Anson Reppermund - PITPITMAD40135447302010121.51740.562.1102.11
Cole Jurek - DCDCCAR31221498211000111.51330.522.1102.11
Gavin May - OAKOAKSEA255239165001101222340.521.570.522.1
Carter Rae - INDINDATL32394229031010011.51230.612.0902.09
John Randolph - NYNYPHI14831117040100002.50120.361.720.362.08
Mark Baldauf - HTXHTXATX29722176302120022930.471.580.472.06
Reese Bowman - ATXATXHTX1498267121100002.59120.471.550.472.02
Emmet Shipway - SEASEASLC1395485211100002.510140.531.480.532.01
Wyatt Berreman - OAKOAKSEA8861271102000023210.520.951.042
Suraj Madiraju - CARCARDC296187109211010011.51450.52202
Joshua Zdrodowski - ATXATXHTX724131300200002.52110.471.030.941.98
Ben Ashton - SLCSLCSEA211158533011100121160.531.430.531.96
Jacob Miller - SLCSLCSEA3461132330120001112050.531.9601.96
Joe Merrill - DCDCCAR806515201200002.5590.520.91.041.94
Levi Jacobs - INDINDATL2981871111201200211710.611.320.611.93
John Shelley - HTXHTXATX29321272140010121.510110.471.9301.93
Jimmy Zuraw - HTXHTXATX3031681352022400131.510110.470.970.941.91
Max Williams - OAKOAKSEA310212981131002222330.521.380.521.91
Kyle Weinberg - SLCSLCSEA15058921111000022210.531.370.531.89
Jamie Kauffman - SEASEASLC13710136200100001.58190.531.280.531.81
Kelsen Alexander - MADMADPIT1315081021100002390.561.240.561.8
Oliver Fay - ATXATXHTX11510015211210012.58130.470.850.941.79
Max Grove - HTXHTXATX1697891011100001.51370.471.310.471.78
Kyle Henke - ATXATXHTX3261891371231201321990.471.30.471.78
John Lithio - NYNYPHI23817959012000001.51030.361.7701.77
Anthony Gutowsky - MADMADPIT126109171111000021180.561.210.561.76
Jacob Fairfax - CARCARDC232204283110100121450.521.7601.76
Liam Haberfield - ATLATLIND29676220022010011.51230.611.7301.73
Solomon Rueschemeyer-Bailey - NYNYPHI230-172470111100111020.361.360.361.71
Avery Johnson - MADMADPIT171190-19210000001.51120.561.6901.69
Jimmy Towle - PITPITMAD17078922110000021730.561.6801.68
Jeremy Langdon - ATLATLIND16710265030000001.56110.611.6601.66
Dante Lopez-Escarez - SEASEASLC220111109010110010.51810.531.120.531.65
Tyler Randall - ATLATLIND9843552011000021180.611.020.611.63
Matt Lyle - HTXHTXATX18971118020000001720.471.6301.63
Ben Lewis - HTXHTXATX216224-810111001112130.471.150.471.62
Jonathan Mast - PITPITMAD325782470330200221720.561.601.6
Jeremy Knopf - DCDCCAR18577108111000001.5940.521.601.6
Kennith Taylor - ATLATLIND894544112100002.51140.610.960.611.57
Brendan Adams - HTXHTXATX3211002211110300120.51580.471.5601.56
Matt Tucker - CARCARDC-20-2000300001.51120.52-0.011.561.55
James Pollard - PHIPHINY17741136021210121.51240.360.830.711.55
David Bloodgood - DCDCCAR9919801111000022150.521.030.521.55
Jeremiah Branson - INDINDATL174-43217021000001.5840.611.5301.53
Elliott Moore - ATXATXHTX257631940421300323180.471.030.471.5
Chris Roach - SEASEAOAK13992471202300121.5980.520.431.041.48
Jacob Sames - ATXATXHTX193150430111001111130.470.990.471.47
Kenny Lane III - SEASEASLC19426168012000001.57190.531.4701.47
Joshua Wilson - MADMADPIT16375881121100124130.560.90.561.45
Sterling Knoche - MADMADPIT785622110100001.55140.560.890.561.44
Cam Albin - HTXHTXATX156136201100000019100.471.4101.41
Ben Jagt - NYNYPHI12391322111100122130.361.020.361.37
Parker Howard - SEASEAOAK22917752110010010.51620.521.3701.37
Dominic Jacobs - SEASEASLC15011634201000001.55120.531.3701.37
Andrew Meshnick - MADMADPIT381325001200001.52150.560.251.111.36
Tarik Akyuz - SEASEASLC17410470101110011750.530.810.531.34
Jensen Wells - SLCSLCSEA893158011100001.52140.530.780.531.3
Jeff Holm - NYNYPHI13977620012200111180.360.570.711.28
Charlie Vukovic - PITPITMAD80728010100001390.560.720.561.27
Eugene L'Heureux - SLCSLCSEA21394119112230031.52130.530.21.051.26
Connor Ughetta - HTXHTXATX3341112231410400411470.471.2601.26
Mark Henke - ATXATXHTX7848304000000022140.471.2601.26
Dante Lopez-Escarez - SEASEAOAK290166124023130031.52210.520.730.521.25
Will Selfridge - SLCSLCSEA29123556111020020.51460.531.2501.25
Caleb Dixon - HTXHTXATX1334390021000001.5670.471.2501.25
Jonny Malks - DCDCCAR3101441661311400411730.520.710.521.24
Elliott Chartock - NYNYPHI211-100311121020021650.361.2401.24
Karl Ekwurtzel - ATLATLIND194196-2301010011.51220.611.2401.24
Peter Geertz-Larson - SEASEAOAK13010426200000001650.521.2301.23
Louie Bertoncin - SEASEASLC1303892110000001770.531.2301.23
Eric Brodbeck - ATXATXHTX14312419400010011.5970.471.2201.22
Mike Kobyra - ATLATLIND0000002000011160.6101.211.21
Dylan Nice - OAKOAKSEA12788391102200212160.520.171.041.21
Joey Wylie - ATXATXHTX12482421101100114180.470.720.471.19
McKay Yorgason - SLCSLCSEA147361111011001113230.530.630.531.16
Sean Mott - PHIPHINY173145281110100111510.361.1601.16
Jonny Hoffman - SLCSLCSEA1157936021110011.51220.530.610.531.13
Tarik Akyuz - SEASEAOAK11593222020000027200.521.1301.13
David Cranston - DCDCCAR8630560310000023160.521.1301.13
Carl Johnson - PITPITMAD2934-5201100002590.560.560.561.12
Francisco Gomez - HTXHTXATX4043-3200100001.5530.470.640.471.11
Max Trifillis - PHIPHINY1129121110000001480.361.1101.11
Jacob Blackman - ATLATLIND4632141001000011120.610.490.611.1
Ben Landry - INDINDATL200104962020200111.51620.611.0901.09
Nick Hutton - INDINDATL42-31730101000012120.610.460.611.07
Luke Rehfuss - DCDCCAR555411001000012120.520.550.521.07
Pete Zaccardi - PITPITMAD763343000310120.53120.56-0.611.671.06
Moussa Dia - DCDCCAR545401001000012130.520.540.521.06
Nate Wipfler - SEASEAOAK756015300000001.51800.521.0501.05
Ben Katz - NYNYPHI21417012200002.50110.360.320.711.04
Alex Thomas - PITPITMAD10072281100000013120.561.0301.03
Jeff Babbitt - NYNYPHI154166-120000000001030.361.0201.02
Marc Munoz - SEASEAOAK276108168222030031.51830.521.0101.01
Jacob Smith - OAKOAKSEA20312776103010011.51090.521.0101.01
Parker Howard - SEASEASLC1461054112012011212020.530.470.531
Elliot Sakach - HTXHTXATX511338010100001820.470.520.471
Steve Mogielski - PITPITMAD591247000100000.5280.560.390.560.95
Devon Terry - SLCSLCSEA872760110110011190.530.420.530.95
Jack Kelly - MADMADPIT886226201000001.51130.560.9500.95
Jordan Rhyne - PHIPHINY220501700111300301510.360.570.360.93
Michael Dillard - PITPITMAD84102-18201000001.51630.560.9300.93
Rhys Bergeron - DCDCCAR3016141001000012130.520.380.520.91
Ryan Drost - NYNYPHI564214100100001090.360.560.360.91
Mike Drost - NYNYPHI51-354101100001.5180.360.520.360.88
Peter Geertz-Larson - SEASEASLC513417000100000.5480.530.340.530.87
Connor Russell - CARCARDC154-101640211200219100.520.350.520.87
Alexandre Fall - DCDCCAR242041001000012130.520.340.520.87
Emmet Shipway - SEASEAOAK1015645012000001.54190.520.8600.86
AJ Merriman - DCDCCAR7314590200000011140.520.8600.86
Charles Weinberg - NYNYPHI150188-38010220130720.360.110.710.82
Jeff Wodatch - DCDCCAR954352010000000.51010.520.8200.82
William Coffin - CARCARDC6742251100000012120.520.8200.82
Nathan Huff - SLCSLCSEA9414800110000012190.530.8100.81
Luke Marks - MADMADPIT6554111100000014150.560.800.8
Antoine Davis - NYNYPHI3847-91001000010120.360.440.360.79
Jacob Wham - MADMADPIT907911100000000.5470.560.7800.78
Joe White - CARCARDC21792125201020020.51140.520.7700.77
Mick Walter - ATXATXHTX40-242000100000.51130.470.270.470.74
Joey Cari - INDINDATL845232100000000.5570.610.7400.74
Dominic Jacobs - SEASEAOAK31247000100000.53190.520.210.520.73
Jamie Kauffman - SEASEAOAK0001001000013130.520.190.520.71
Oliver Chartock - NYNYPHI1869195101010120280.360.7100.71
Matthew Knowles - ATLATLIND793841010000000.5090.610.7100.71
Daniel Garlock - MADMADPIT1051788001000000.5440.560.700.7
Eric Witmer - PHIPHINY20146100100001280.360.320.360.68
Bradley Seuntjens - ATLATLIND4632141100000011140.610.6800.68
Tanner Robinson - ATLATLIND46379201000001.51120.610.6800.68
Matt Hanna - PHIPHINY4754-7001210011550.36-0.050.710.67
Jack Nelson - MADMADPIT713932101000001400.560.6600.66
Jake Worthington - ATXATXHTX2613130011000013110.470.170.470.64
Kainoa Chun Moy - PHIPHINY684424101110011330.360.280.360.64
Tommy Lin - SEASEASLC2286016810002002-0.51920.530.6400.64
Scott Kaltenecker - SLCSLCSEA1624-8000210010.50120.53-0.421.050.63
Eric Carter - ATXATXHTX951481001000000.52110.470.6300.63
Brandon Dial - ATXATXHTX663234010110010.51110.470.150.470.62
Jasper Tom - DCDCCAR3621151102200212110.52-0.431.040.61
Rowan McDonnell - DCDCCAR169-1418300113001208120.520.080.520.6
Conor Bauman - OAKOAKSEA11329840211200211170.520.080.520.6
Troy Holland - DCDCCAR9160310020000012120.520.600.6
Brandon Fein - OAKOAKSEA7070011000012140.520.050.520.57
Oscar Kohut - NYNYPHI1106842010120020180.360.20.360.56
Brandon Li - SEASEASLC8563220000000005120.530.5600.56
Terrence Mitchell - CARCARDC16114318001010010850.520.5500.55
James Dahl - SLCSLCSEA471928220010011.50150.530.5300.53
Andrew McKelvey - CARCARDC000000100000.50110.5200.520.52
Brandon Pastor - PHIPHINY775621000000000900.360.5100.51
Charlie McCutcheon - DCDCCAR472819100101010.52130.52-0.020.520.5
Jakeem Polk - ATLATLIND472522010000000.50170.610.500.5
Jacob Fella - INDINDATL4265-231010000012130.610.4600.46
Ray Mendoza - OAKOAKSEA371621100220020.51210.52-0.611.040.43
Alex Heath - HTXHTXATX-712-19000100000.5750.47-0.050.470.43
Anders Juengst - CARCARDC193101921010002201340.520.4200.42
Connor Bryant - HTXHTXATX1213982210010120.51580.470.4200.42
Matt Bennett - HTXHTXATX246-525101113014-0.512130.47-0.070.470.4
Mitchell Sayasene - OAKOAKSEA331914100000000.52100.520.400.4
Conner Henderson - INDINDATL583721000000000860.610.3900.39
Bretton Tan - NYNYPHI29245100000000.50110.360.3800.38
Tobias Brooks - CARCARDC794237111010011840.520.3700.37
Wilson Matthews - CARCARDC26260100000000.50100.520.3600.36
Keegan North - INDINDATL20377126012020020.51710.610.3200.32
John McMonigal - PITPITMAD21192100000000.5290.560.3200.32
Paul Owens - PHIPHINY19712010000000.54100.360.3100.31
John Dowling - ATXATXHTX441925000000000080.470.2900.29
Thomas Coolidge - MADMADPIT2107813200102002-0.51320.560.2800.28
Steven Kelly - HTXHTXATX3943-40000100100440.470.2600.26
Thomas Hansen - PITPITMAD990100000000.5270.560.2400.24
Matthew Armour - ATXATXHTX12198230200200204130.470.2300.23
Trenton Spinks - ATLATLIND351223001000000.50110.610.2300.23
Marques Brownlee - NYNYPHI3031-12010001110110.360.2100.21
Dmitry Suvorov - PHIPHINY310-7100000000.5350.360.2100.21
Mikey O'Brien - PITPITMAD1691066301002002-0.5390.560.200.2
Peter Lenz - SEASEASLC784434010010010590.530.1800.18
Justin Keller - PHIPHINY27-5320000100100560.360.1800.18
Matthew Burke - OAKOAKSEA104426200001001-0.51180.520.1700.17
Munis Thahir - OAKOAKSEA252410000000002100.520.1700.17
Eric Blais - MADMADPIT754035101010010.54130.560.1300.13
Mike Campanella - PHIPHINY20119000000000140.360.1300.13
Aaron Hom - OAKOAKSEA191540000000001140.520.1300.13
Simon Dastrup - SLCSLCSEA6843251000100101160.530.1100.11
Ben Close - INDINDATL1431-17000000000290.610.0900.09
Jack Galle - INDINDATL1418-4000000000070.610.0900.09
Jordan Salazar - HTXHTXATX1316-3000000000470.470.0900.09
Fletcher Hare - INDINDATL711-4000110010290.61-0.560.610.05
Dane Bossert - HTXHTXATX68-2000000000460.470.0400.04
Alex Gravatt - MADMADPIT4400000000001100.560.0300.03
Alexander Wilcox - CARCARDC822161001110120940.52-0.50.520.02
Corbin Atack - SEASEAOAK35-2000000000070.520.0200.02
Nick Loughran - ATXATXHTX237-35000000000090.470.0100.01
Sam VanDusen - PITPITMAD167611060030300120.54130.56000
Eric Nardelli - PHIPHINY54351900001001-0.5350.36000
Colin Ringwood - INDINDATL000000000000290.61000
Marc Sands - PHIPHINY000000000000030.36000
Matt Reynolds - PITPITMAD000000000000280.56000
Matthew Montera - PITPITMAD000000000000280.56000
Wyatt Brooks - PITPITMAD000000000000280.56000
Ryan Kindell - PITPITMAD000000000000280.56000
Albert Yuan - CARCARDC0000000000000100.52000
Sam Stark - MADMADPIT-18-9000000000040.56-0.010-0.01
Calvin Trisolini - PHIPHINY1301811201002103-1800.36-0.020-0.02
Peter Lenz - SEASEAOAK-4-95000000000270.52-0.030-0.03
Ethan Bloodworth - CARCARDC7199-2800001001-0.5880.52-0.050-0.05
Greg Martin - PHIPHINY1954-35100010010910.36-0.050-0.05
Andrew Roy - DCDCCAR226-122700102103-11220.52-0.060-0.06
Seth Gudeman - INDINDATL83107-2400001001-0.5680.61-0.060-0.06
Brandon Lin - HTXHTXATX3139-8100010010680.47-0.080-0.08
Matt Stevens - NYNYPHI3749-1200001001-0.5180.36-0.110-0.11
Tommy Lin - SEASEAOAK-20-15-50000000000130.52-0.130-0.13
Ben Snell - CARCARDC108-3214001002002-0.5860.52-0.140-0.14
Brandon Li - SEASEAOAK-21-2-190000000001170.52-0.140-0.14
Chris Roach - SEASEASLC104584601013003-0.58120.53-0.710.53-0.18
Andres Rodriguez - PHIPHINY51351610001012-0.5700.36-0.190-0.19
Dylan Hawkins - CARCARDC-29-9-20001000000.52110.52-0.190-0.19
JP Burns - ATLATLIND993168102020020.52160.61-0.370-0.37
Biz Schlaefer - MADMADPIT2821700001001-0.51170.56-0.370-0.37
Nate Wipfler - SEASEASLC1917200000101-0.51120.53-0.40-0.4
Jackson de Campos - OAKOAKSEA1871100001001-0.52100.52-0.40-0.4
Louie Bertoncin - SEASEAOAK13-122500011012-0.5560.52-0.960.52-0.44
Tony Goss - SEASEAOAK108-24132112030030.57190.52-0.480-0.48
Jeremy Keusch - INDINDATL1641283610102013-0.51910.61-0.550-0.55
Brian Gfroerer - HTXHTXATX1711185310004004-1.51270.47-0.570-0.57
Alex Thorne - PHIPHINY129-5218100004004-21510.36-0.570-0.57
Ethan Fortin - NYNYPHI89-3212101003104-1.5560.36-0.650-0.65
Kota Sugahara - SEASEASLC40182200002002-1570.53-0.790-0.79
Robin Vickers Batzdorf - OAKOAKSEA30102000101012-0.51180.52-0.850-0.85
Leo Warren - PHIPHINY60124800014015-2560.36-1.390.36-1.03
Xavier Payne - INDINDATL26414212210305005-0.51490.61-1.090-1.09

OPP: Offensive points played
DPP: Defensive points played
POS: Offensive possessions
BlkOpp: Block opportunities, i.e. the number of offensive possessions by the opponent
ThrYds: Throwing yards (net forward – backward yardage)
RecYds: Receiving yards (net forward – backward yardage)
TotYds: Total yards
AST: Assists
GLS: Goals
SCR: Scores (AST+GLS)
HA: Hockey assists
T: Throwaways
S: Stalls
D: Drops
C: Callahans
QEInc: Quarter-Ending INCompletions, which are excluded from statistical calculations.
TRNS: Turnovers (Throwaways, Stalls, Drops)
BLK: Blocks
Cmp: Completions
OEFF: Team scores per possession when player is on the field (min 20 possessions)
MP: Minutes played
AvgGmSE: Average scoring efficiency of all teams in games in which the player has played
EDGE-O: TotYds* 0.007 (Approx) + (AST+GLS)* 0.18 (Approx) – TRNS*GameSE. Measured in Goal Equivalents. Actual coefficients depend on league averages.
EDGE-B: Blocks*GameSE. Measured in Goal Equivalents
EDGE: EDGE-O + EDGE-B. Measured in Goal Equivalents
NS_GE: NetStats in Goal Equivalents. A simple estimate of EDGE when yardage data not available: (hockey assists + conventional plus/minus)/2
EO100: 100*(EDGE-O/Possessions); Offensive Goal Equivalents per 100 possessions
EB100: 100*(EDGE-B/BlockOpp); Block Goal Equivalents per 100 possessions
E100: EO100 + EB100
+/-: Conventional plus/minus metric. Considering renaming AH+/- for Anti-handler +/-.
HI: Handler index (Throwing yards/Total yards)
DLI: D-line index (DPP/total points played)

  1. We try to put this together by Monday, which means that we’ll be using the real-time stats from the Advance Stats page that often contain errors and are later fixed, such as the fact that Sunday’s data shows Houston with 124 more throwing yards than receiving yards. The corrections are reflected in the season totals. I also remove quarter-ending incompletions (and am shortening the label to Qincs). In addition, after two seasons of heavy emphasis on how EDGE works, we’ll be turning that knob down a bit this year and focusing on the highlights. There’s plenty to be found on the whys and hows of EDGE here

Better Box Score Metrics: Raunig Takes to the Skies [AUDL Week 1, 2023] is only available to Ultiworld Subscribers

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