Same As It Ever Was (D-III Remix)

Programmatic Success the Real Winner on Day One

A Middlebury Prankster lines up a catch at the 2024 D-III College Championships. Photo: Rudy Desort –

Ultiworld’s coverage of the 2024 college ultimate season are presented by Spin Ultimate; all opinions are those of the author(s). Find out how Spin can get you, and your team, looking your best this season.

Middlebury’s Claire Babbott-Bryan, Kathryn You Mak, and Niamh Carty. Carleton’s Maya Kalmus, Harper Brooks-Kahn, and Alex Rowell. What do these players have in common? All graduated in 2023 and all were key contributors to their team’s runs to last year’s national final. With the sheer volume and talent gone with the graduating class, 2024 proffered a potential changing of the guard, a renewed chance for breakthrough teams and players to make their mark.

One of the great joys of D-III ultimate, after all, is the unexpected. Those teams that emerge from nowhere and suddenly make a deep bracket run or that player who bursts onto the scene with an astounding offensive performance. That’s what makes the People’s Division what it is, a place of not-yet polished gems and of surprises that astound.

So, naturally, when looking at the bracket for women’s division after pool play, one might be drawn to the no.15 that made prequarters or the no.7 and no.10 seeds that won their pools and earned a bye to quarters outright. And while yes, some of those revelations are truly visionary, others — well, not so much.

Before we get to the counterpoint, let’s start by celebrating the newcomer on the block! Making their first bracket at their first Nationals in their first season are the Davenport Panthers, who beat no.6 Colorado College Zenith 12-11 in the only universe point finish of the day in the women’s division. Davenport, with their first-in-the-sport scholarships for the women’s ultimate team, represent the promise of all the D-III women’s division offers, and having them in the bracket, even if only for prequarters, is worth highlighting.

And now, to the counterpoint.

Same As It Ever Was (D-III Remix) is only available to Ultiworld Subscribers

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  1. Jenna Weiner
    Jenna Weiner

    Jenna Weiner is a Senior Staff Writer, a co-host of Ultiworld's Double Overtime podcast, and considers herself a purveyor of all levels of ultimate. She's played mostly on the west coast but you're likely to find her at the nearest ultimate game available.

  2. Theresa Diffendal
    Theresa Diffendal

    Theresa began playing frisbee in 2014 at Shady Side Academy in Pittsburgh. Having lived all over Pennsylvania, she’s settled at the moment in Harrisburg with her partner and plays with the mixed club team Farm Show.




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