2017 North Carolina Men’s Roster

Here is the 2017 roster for the University of North Carolina Darkside.

northcarolinaBold indicates captains. Italics indicate rookies.

Aaron Wan
Norman Archer
Tommy Clerkin
Suraj Madiraju
Nathan Kwon
Ben Maxson
Jesse Kovacs
Marc Rovner
Taek Lee
Elijah Long
Andrew Cohen
Nick MacLeod
Anders Juengst
Spencer Beck
Paden McBride
Tommy Williams
Matt Gouchoe-Hanas
Jacob Zurbuch
Walker Matthews
Alex Davis
David Voychuk
Ryan Humphrey
John Watters
Yuma Kobayashi
Josh Crause
Sam Lee
Alex Grosskurth
Chathan Driehuys
Andrew Mouw
Kai Marcus


Eddie Alcorn
Mike DeNardis
Jonathan Nethercutt


Aaron Warshauer
JD Hastings
Vikram Sethuraman
Austin Banks
Dain Neilsen
Miles Lally

  1. Charlie Eisenhood
    Charlie Eisenhood

    Charlie Eisenhood is the editor-in-chief of Ultiworld. You can reach him by email ([email protected]) or on Twitter (@ceisenhood).

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