Announcing The 2019 Ultiworld Membership Drive

Help Ultiworld continue to expand our coverage of the sport!

From left: Ultiworld’s Charlie Eisenhood, Keith Raynor, and Katie Raynolds react to a play during the Fury v. Riot semifinal at the 2016 National Championships. Photo: Paul Andris —

Today, Ultiworld is launching its third annual membership drive.

We take this time each year to ask you to consider signing up for a subscription and supporting the journalism and video coverage that Ultiworld provides to the ultimate community. Our subscriptions offer much more than game footage: you will get exclusive articles (from features to analysis and beyond); Sideline Talk, a members-only podcast; bonus segments from all of our free podcasts, including Sin The Fields and Deep Look; videos analysis in the Film Room; In The Zone, a monthly business newsletter; a weekly Mailbag column; the ability to turn off ads and improve your site experience; and more. You can learn more and sign up right here.

107% funded
538 New Funders
0 hours to go

You may remember our subscription drive from last May. What have we done since then? Here’s just a few selected items of note:

  • Expanded coverage of youth, college, and club ultimate, with more video (often two games per round) and deeper reporting from tournaments near and far
  • Hired Aidan Shapiro-Leighton as a full-time video editor
  • Significantly upgraded our livestreaming capabilities for more professional streams with graphics, improved replay, and higher quality resolution, and continued to offer all of our live coverage for free
  • Produced multiple documentary shorts at the 2018 Club Championships
  • Expanded our live coverage to the 2018 World Ultimate Club Championships
  • Vastly improved our reporting on European ultimate with Ravi Vasudevan serving as a dedicated editor
  • Launched the new Female Writers Development program that will start in June

So why sign up? We want to be able to continue to offer more and deeper coverage of all aspects of the sport. We want to be able to pay reasonable compensation to the hard-working editorial staff instead of asking them to write or edit for a small stipend and their love of the sport. No one is getting rich from Ultiworld, but we are still looking to find a way to receive reasonable payment for the value of the content we provide.

You can subscribe for as little as $3.99 a month. That’s less than the cost of a latte in New York City everywhere! There are discounts available for annual subscriptions.

Think about all the Ultiworld articles you’ve read and shared over the years, and all the extra tournaments that you’ve followed because of our coverage.

What’s coming up? What will your subscription help us achieve? Here’s a few things on the horizon:

  • Our first-ever live coverage from the D-III College Championships and a 10 person reporting team
  • 22 filmed games (11 live) at the D-I College Championships, along with all-day liveblog reporting and analysis and new video features from a 15 person reporting team
  • Primary live coverage from the Under-24 World Championships in Heidelberg, Germany
  • Live coverage from nearly every major Club Division event this summer, including the US Open, Pro Championships, and Elite-Select Challenge
  • More livestreaming and reporting at the third annual High School National Invite
  • Continued expansion of our international coverage, especially in Europe
  • More video analysis, both in writing and video
  • Subscription content coming soon to Ultiworld Disc Golf, included at no extra cost!

A monthly subscription is the best way for readers to support these initiatives, as well as everything else we do at Ultiworld. If you enjoy our strategy articles but also want to support more youth coverage, a subscription is a great way to do it! If you religiously watch all of our club women’s footage, but want to support D-I and D-III college women’s coverage, a subscription is a great way to do it! If you appreciate all of our reporting but you really just want to make sure Pat & Tad can survive another year of Sin The Fields (and their 2v2 mini marathon), a subscription is a great way to do that too.

Our goal is to add 500 new subscribers by May 31st. 

Can you help us reach our goal? For a company of our size, every person makes a difference. You can sign up here: it really matters and it makes your experience on Ultiworld even better.

Ultiworld is not unique in the web publishing ecosystem. More and more, publishers — from small ones like Ultiworld to very large ones like the New York Times — have realized they cannot rely on advertising dollars alone. And in order to serve their communities, direct financial support from readers is necessary. Your subscription directly supports our writing and journalism from college to club to youth to international.

Subscribing is super easy — check out our subscription page to learn more and sign up. Thank you so much for your support!

If you have questions for me about subscribing, the economics of ultimate journalism, or anything else, don’t hesitate to ask below in the comments or by email at [email protected].

107% funded
538 New Funders
0 hours to go
  1. Charlie Eisenhood
    Charlie Eisenhood

    Charlie Eisenhood is the editor-in-chief of Ultiworld. You can reach him by email ([email protected]) or on Twitter (@ceisenhood).


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