EuroZone: WUCC Recap, Ultimate not in the Olympics

EuroZone recaps WUCC and discusses the future of ultimate and the Olympics

So ultimate won’t be in the Olympics. Ravi and Liam break that down and talk about the upcoming EUC Series with Women’s EUCRs being cancelled across the board. Then they recap WUCC across all divisions and talk about some of the main controversies of the tournament including edge spiking, continuation rules, and dangerous plays.

EuroZone: WUCC Recap, Ultimate not in the Olympics

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Don’t miss EuroZone’s subscriber only segment where Ravi and Liam give their takes on how Game Advisors performed at the World Games and at WUCC.

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  1. Ravi Vasudevan

    Ravi Vasudevan has served as Ultiworld's European editor and a host of the podcast EuroZone. Emails about EuroZone should go to [email protected]. Ravi played for WPI in the US until 2008. He has been living and playing in Europe since 2009 and has competed at WUGC 2012, WUCC 2014 and WUCC 2018.

  2. Liam Grant
    Liam Grant

    Liam hails from the rugged west coast of Ireland. He found himself catapulted into the Irish ultimate community during his time in the National University of Ireland, Galway. He may lack in talent on the field, but he makes up for it with shenanigans and tomfoolery off the pitch. Liam is truly in his element on the beach; he eats sand for breakfast. Liam captained the Irish Mixed National team in 2016 and also competed for the Irish National Mixed Beach team in 2013, taking home a silver medal and a bundle of precious memories. He can be found at most major European tournaments flying the Irish flag at the bar.

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