Has the pull rule change had an impact on scoring efficiency?
June 1, 2023 by Paul Würtztack in Analysis with 0 comments
Evan Lepler reported in his April 25 season preview Toronto Head Coach Adrian Yearwood’s assessment of what effect the new the rule change moving the pull forward 20 yards: “this league is very heavily skewed toward the offense, and this change really brings that power balance, if not in favor of the defense, it shifts the balance; it makes it much more even.”
Has it? Maybe. Comparing the first 49 games of the past two seasons, scoring efficiency (SE)—goals per possession—has fallen almost three percentage points.1
Turnover values are Qinc-adjusted; that is, quarter-ending incompletions have not been counted as turnovers. ↩
Better Box Score Metrics: Has the New Pull Rule Helped Defenses? [AUDL Week 5, 2023] is only available to Ultiworld Subscribers
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