Huck and Hope

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About The Show:

An American Ultimate Story

How do you explain the inexplicable? How do you make sense of the nonsensical? How do you end up with a professional ultimate frisbee franchise in Rochester, New York?

10 years ago the Rochester Dragons launched their inaugural season in the AUDL. The team’s sheer existence defying most notions of competitive and business sense. Yet for three years the often hapless franchise rode the wave of a sport and community trying to become something bigger and grander than it had ever been before. Ultiworld’s Patrick Stegemoeller and Brian Kibler look back on one of the strangest chapters in the sport’s history and discover that the key to understanding the Rochester Dragons reveals something much larger about ultimate, the AUDL, and America itself.

This 6-episode series features appearances from some of the most important figures in the sport’s past decade including Grant Lindsley, Evan Lepler, Jesse Shofner and more! Huck and Hope draws on firsthand accounts of the chaotic history of an era defined by boomtown optimism, and explores how culture, technology, and the American dream explain one of the least explicable episodes in the history of an already enigmatic sport.

Huck and Hope is now out  in it’s entirety for free! FInd it in the links below or search for “Huck and Hope” wherever you get your podcasts.

Episodes 1 & 2

Episode 3

Episode 4

Episode 5

Episode 6

Mailbag Episode


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Got a suggestion for a future episode? Call our hotline (302) 448-ULTI (8584), tweet at us @Ultiworld, or email us [email protected].


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    Patrick Stegemoeller

    Patrick Stegemoeller is a Senior Staff Writer for Ultiworld, co-host of the Sin The Fields podcast, and also a lawyer who lives in Brooklyn.

  • Brian Kibler

    Brian Kibler

    Brian Kibler is a podcast host for Ultiworld. He has been playing ultimate for over a decade, most recently with New York XIST. He is also a physical therapist in New York City.

Latest Episodes:

  1. Huck and Hope: Mailbag Episode: Huck and Hope is now free in its entirety wherever you get your podcasts!
  2. Sin The Fields: Pat Made Nationals: We had to come back for this one.
  3. Huck and Hope: Episode 6 – Chasing the Dragon: Check out episode 6 of Huck and Hope!
  4. Huck and Hope: Episode 5 – Let’s Go: Check out episode 5 of Huck and Hope!
  5. Huck and Hope: Episode 4 – The Desolation of the Rochester Dragons: Check out episode 4 of Huck and Hope!
  6. Deep Look: AUDL Championship Recap, USAU Pro Championships Preview: The Empire lived up to their name!
  7. Huck and Hope: Episode 3 – The Observer Effect: Check out episode 3 of Huck and Hope!
  8. Deep Look: Patrick Stegemoeller, Elite-Select Challenge, and AUDL Championship: Patrick Stegemoeller jumps in to talk club, AUDL, and his new podcast!
  9. Huck and Hope: An American Ultimate Story: Check out our new podcast!
  10. Sin The Fields: Shameless Promotional Cashgrab Special Episode: Check in with Pat and Tad after a year hiatus.

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