Assessing each team's first opportunity to address the jury of their peers
May 25, 2024 by Edward Stephens, Alex Rubin and Grace Conerly in News

Ultiworld’s coverage of the 2024 college ultimate season is presented by Spin Ultimate; all opinions are those of the author(s). Find out how Spin can get you, and your team, looking your best this season.
As the saying goes, teams don’t get second chances to make first impressions. With lightning canceling the final three rounds of pool play, the thirty-two teams who did get a chance to play had just one game to tell their story. While there is still much to be litigated, deliberated, and decided, we’ll take a look at the opening statements made today.
Men’s Division
Alabama Huntsville Nightmares
No team has more instantaneous scoreability than the Nightmares with their deep throwing bag and out-of-this-world aerial dominance to come down with deep hucks on both sides of the disc. They couldn’t pull off the win against Texas, but they still looked good doing it.
Brown Brownian Motion
D-I College Championships 2024: Opening Statements is only available to Ultiworld Subscribers
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